Sofia Township Primary School

This library has not been visited or assessed by our team. The below unprocessed information is provided for reference only. None of this information has been verified by Above The Seas.

Sofia Township Primary School R E P O R T    C A R D
In our network Not yet
Library visited by our team Not yet
Library visit date N/A
Library context The school is home to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), most of whom are affected by extreme poverty, high drop-out rates and frequent child labour. Complex factors bar children from education in Sofia slum. These are: Extreme poverty, homelessness, absentee parents, orphans, child labour and dysfunctional families. Our goal is to provide quality education to all of our learners regardless of their backgrounds. It's the only school in Sofia slum and this is why we went from 0 students 9 months ago to 400 students currently, with many more wanting to join. we teach the Kenyan education system where the students are taught Maths, English, Kiswahili, Science, Social Studies and Christian Religious Education. We have classes from baby class to class (grade) seven and our children are aged between 5 and 13 years old. A feeding programme has been established where the school provides students food at break and at lunch.
This library needs:
(reviewed and approved by ATS)
Region Western province, Kenya
Google maps link Locate on Google Maps (approx.)
Postal address
Point of contact laetitia mukungu
Year founded
Serving population 400 students currently
Surface size (approx.)
Access to electricity N/A
Number of visitors per day (approx.)
Number of seats N/A
Number of tables N/A
Number of books N/A
Internet No
Wireless Internet available (Wifi) N/A
Internet speed N/A
Number of computers N/A
Services offered
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